Thursday, February 26, 2009

March Issue is now available

The march issue of "Shemale of Secondlife"Magazine is now available for purchaes In-World. this issue is featuring Justme Unsworth and Nikk Canto, Co-winners of the Miss TG World 2009 Contest. It is also featuring another club review of Twisted Shemales Herm Club and Mall by Matilda Igaly. Be sure to get yours today at your favorite Stand.

Friday, February 6, 2009

A Comment

This is an excerpt from am IM sent to Mss Pussy Fanshaw.... the Feburary Cover Model and the New Executive VP Operations for "Shemales of SecondLife" Magazine, In regards to the Magazine Overall and her issue specificially.

Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:16:51 2009) Okay, you ready?
Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:18:15 2009) I just looked and you aren't on my friends list so I'll go ahead and say everything here
Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:19:08 2009) I loved it. From the consumer standpoint I drooled. You are gorgeous, delicious, and made me hot. I actually was touching myself, which surprises me more than you I suspect. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm those centerfolds. LOL
Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:21:04 2009) The only comments I have concerning the whole layout are that I would have liked to see more costume changes and perhaps different locations. A lot more work, I know, but I’m thinking about color and texture in relation to your skin and showing more sides to your personality. I do have one complaint. That damn book is too small!!! Grins.

Thank You soo much Morgan10 Reyes for your kind comments. we do all we can to make a magazine with repeat purchase. As for the size I am afraid that it is as large as SL and the maker of the press that is used will let us publish. Thank you again for your purchase and please anyone out there with comments on the magazine are free to drop a notecard containing those comments to either myself or Pussy Fanshaw

TGBecky Jewell
Shemales Of Secondlife Publisher

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wanted - Freelance Photographers

Are You A Second Life Photographer?

Would you like to have your photos Published in Shemales of SecondLife Magazine?

Here's what you do.
1) Find a Model - the model must identify as a Shemale, Transgender, Transvestite, or Hermaphrodite.

2)Take the Pictures - a minimum of 20 pictures must be submitted to even be considered for publication. Of course the more you submit the better your chance of having your model featured

3)Put all the pictures in a box along with a Notecard with a short biography of the model, the Models Name, the Photographers Name ( both must be EXACT in order to get paid). ALL ITEMS in the box must have FULL next owner Permissions. or the submission will be tossed out. put your name and " Model Photo submission" in the name of the object and then either

4)Drop it to TGBecky Jewell or drop by the magazine office.

All Submissions become property of Shemales of Secondlife magazine when submitted. Photographer and model will be paid a percentage of sales to be determined by Magazine Staff.

Wanted - Writers And Columnist

Shemales of SecondLife magazine is currently looking for writers to help fill out the pages of our magazine. The topics are open to anything you would wish to write about although the more they pertain to living as a Shemale or transgender person in SecondLife the more likely they will be accepted for Publication. They can be fiction as well but must me relevant to the readers of the magazine to receive serious consideration.

If you wish to have your work considered for publication please send an email to with your article attached as a text file and it will be considered. If chosen you will be paid a percentage of all sales for the issue your article appears in as well has having your article posted to our Blog at

Instructions and request for required information to receive in world pay if accepted will be mailed to you upon acceptance of your submission.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Shemales In Secondlife - The First In an Occasional Series

Shemales in SecondLife!
What is that really, and is it worth visiting?

Welcome to a review of one of those places...

Not being able to decide where to go for my first review I let faith decide or more truthfully, most hits on search. Being in SL for a while the name that came up, Shemale Sanctuary didn't surprise me at all.

Reading the search description, "The club of a thousand beautiful women and 3 ugly ones!" caught my attention. So lets put it to a test.

After I had TP to the place I land a short distance away from the entrance which is pretty normal I guess. Taking a peek around I find out that I'm in a square with shops all around it with a Xmas tree in the middle. Nice for those that actually like Christmas.

The shops that are located here are the standard ones that your supposed to find in any decent club environment. But what is odd and in my own humble opinion, great, is that there is missing one sex attachment shop!

Being done with the surroundings I decide to enter the club and something odd appears. Lots of peeps standing outside for some reason! Very strange indeed. After bumping into a friend outside, a cute boi for you that wonder, and after some chat I enter the club.

Its a nice looking place, with a big enough dance floor and a bar that can have lots of dancers performing. There are a couch that looks inviting and some tables for dancing. Not to shabby, and at the far end there is a lap dance chair. On the walls there are drawings of various shemales, nude of course. But its the same ones you can see at most places. At the far side of the club they have a winter garden. With some nice water works, benches and pose balls.

Moving up to second floor it becomes a bit more interesting. This is where the actual sex area is located. There are secretary and bar sex area, dungeon, dirty outside, jail cells, dirty madrass, farm, school, bathroom, kitchen and a undefined pinkish sex area. Great stuff for whatever fetish you might have. The walls up there are also covered with drawings of shemales.

Under the hour I was there I didn't hear one single peep talk in local and that is sad, but I guess most of them are in IM. But I got two IM's that commented on how damn hot I look^^.

So was it worth a visit? That's up to you to decide. But I know why I don't go there so often. Did it live up to the, "The club of a thousand beautiful women and 3 ugly ones!"

No it didn't. Not by a mile I'm afraid.

Conclusion of my visit is graded from 1-10, where 10 is fucking awesome and 1 is yikes.

Girl hotness: 5
Lag: 6
Interior: 6
Sex equipment: 8
Overall: 6

This issues Swedish proverb. Kasta inte sten i glashus:)


The Rack - Magazine Mega Store - Plush Mega Sim

Welcome to the first in what we hope will be an ongoing feature of this magazine. A special section devoted to featuring our Resellers and the ways that they are helping to promote the sale of the magazine and making it easier for our lovely loyal readers to pick up their copies. Most often this will be a short section with a picture or two and some basic information about where to find the vendor.

Founded By Zooey Kohime, "The Rack" is a unique concept in Secondlife, unique in the sense that I have not seen another shop with the same idea. Although with the proliferation of affiliate vendors and designers and creators willing to use them to sell their product thru them, it would appear that their use is actually a win/win situation for all involved. The affiliate doesn't have to be a fashion diva or geek coder to make a few L$ in the game they just have to find something that they like and resell it thru an affiliate vendor or program. And the creator still gets paid and the affiliate makes a percentage. Everybody is happy

Sunrise Point Properties's Fan Box