Sunday, November 29, 2009
"Shemales of SecondLife" Magazine ... Down but NOT OUT.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Grad Dresser Part 2 By onyx Marabana
He had always wondered about this part of the world…. It held a certain fascination…. And even as he backed toward the exit, sure he was in the wrong place, there was a certain excitement—he was semi-hard…. ‘Careful, Hun,’ she whispered huskily as he backed into her. ‘You don’t want to get me too excited our first date….,’ the laugh was soft and shallow. He turned to apologize and just froze…mouth open….
‘You might want to close that,’ she breathed. ‘There are more than a few girls here who know how to fill it.’ There was a soft chuckle. She was shorter than him, even in her stilettos. She was slender, but tight—toned. And she had a rack that defied imagination. ‘Yep,’ again that husky, breathy voice, ‘they’re mine. Best money can buy—34c,’ as she followed his line of sight. She was the color of dark copper, with a short-cropped, twisted head of hair to match. The eyes blazed an iridescent green….the nose broad and haughty; and lips, a slashed scarlet that even Angelina would have lusted for…. Then it trailed down her thigh like seven inches of thick, sleeping snake…. ‘Whoa, Boi,’ she whispered. ‘First time, huh?’ ***
She gripped his hand…. ‘C’mon. Sit for a minute.’ She guided him to a booth. He had the presence of mind to ask what she was drinking. Apple martini for her; coke for him…. She giggled, ‘so you thought that we were all imaginary creatures, huh?’ He could feel the warmth of her naked thigh against his pant-leg radiating heat….his cock inching its way to hardness down the inside seam…. Where he had stared, open-mouthed when he bumped into her, he couldn’t bring himself to look at her now. ‘You are a shy one. We don’t get too many black student-types in here….mostly the professors.’ His head snapped round to her pretty face. ‘What?’ he said. She stared back quizzically. ‘Black guys don’t come in much….’ ‘No…. You said something about ‘professors’…. ‘O…they love us,’ she replied with a smirk….
Friday, May 15, 2009
Grad Dresser Part 1 By onyx Marabana
He was almost at the end of his studies—one paper, comprehensives and then he was out….There was, however one potential problem: Cragg. The eminent Professor Cragg, bane to all grad students, and particularly those that he could not coerce….On more than one occasion the two had had words—contending interpretations….Cragg showed his displeasure with grades that barely met passing at the graduate level….So Cragg’s appointment to his comprehensives committee, and this last pending paper were some cause for concern….
Not so much a cause that they precluded a night out. What do grad students do on nights out? Pretty much what the rest of us do….they drink, they party, they club….Our student was no different—not much of a drinker—he loved the clubs and the parties….
Heading out of the library and on to the main streets a hawker pushed a flyer into his hands: ‘the most beautiful creatures—in all their glory—amazing breath-taking—and naked!!!! FREE with this flyer.’ ‘Hmmmmm,’ he thought, this might take his mind off of things….
Well after the sun went down—closer to the beginning of the new day—he found himself standing at a boarded over door, the front to a dilapidated building, hesitating….the pounding of the beat was enough to draw him in…. ‘Alice, through the looking glass’ he was….
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Congratulations Julis Paush - Miss "Shemales of Secondlife" 2009
Blue Orchid Mall, Caberfae -
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Revised April Issue Now Available
Becky's Boutique @ 302 Parkside Drive, Rye Beach. Has every past issue available on the second floor of the shop. Latest issue avail from a vendor located outside the Boardwalk Entrance to Bottoms UP club.
Becky's Boutique @ Feelgoods Mall, Phoenix Determined. Current Issue Only
Becky's Boutique @ Library Mall, Solare II. Current Issue Only's Boutique @ Ruby's Mall, Tropicana Resort. Current Issue Only
"Shemales of SecondLife" Magazine Office @ JPG Building, November. Has every issue of the magazine available plus a place to submit photo sets for consideration in future issues as well as for submitting Articles to considered for publication in the magazine.
Bottoms Up Cabaret, Rye Beach -
Metal Heaven & Hell, EDSCAPES Island -
The Rack, Plush Mega -
Shemale Desires, Captured Visions -
Slave For Bondage Playground, Stanlee -
If You Have A vendor for the magazine out for residents to purchase from please drop me a note card in world with a LM for your vendor and I will add you to the list.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
April 2009 Issue Finally Available
Becky's Boutique @ Feelgoods Mall, Phoenix Determined. Current Issue Only
Becky's Boutique @ Ruby's Mall, Tropicana Resort. Current Issue Only
Blue Orchid Mall, Caberfae -
Saturday, April 4, 2009
April Issue To Be Delayed
Good News we are about 85% complete and ready to bring you another exciting edition of 'Shemales Of Secondlife" Magazine. Things are running on schedule and are looking good for a time on new stands of sometime on April 5th
[UPDATE] April 3 2009 2:42pm
We are madly scrambling behind the scenes here at Shemales Of Secondlife magazine to get an issue worthy of the wait. it will be a special issue where you the readers via a blog poll will get to select the girl that was lucky once to grace our covers to be lucky a second time and become Miss "Shemales of Secondlife" Magazine 2009. So be sure to check back for the latest updates. we hope to have the issue on the news stand by April 5th
[UPDATE] April 2 2009 1:47 pm
we are hoping to have the magazine published in the next couple of days and we are rapidly working on a contingency plan if our editor does not come back online soon. Please keep checking back for more information.
Tuesday March 31 2009. 8:01Am PST
Sad News for the loyal followers of Shemales Of SecondLife Magazine. Due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances the magazine will be delayed a few days. seems our esteemed editor had her computer crash and it will delay the publication date. I am very sorry for the delay and very grateful for your continued patience.
TGBecky Jewell
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Matilda Igaly Reviews: Las Princsas Club & Mall

Welcome back yet again to my ongoing review of the more famous Shemale clubs of SL.
This time I didnt let the search do the pick for me, instead I went with the featured girls in this months magazine. So welcome to the review of Las Princesas Dance Club and Mall.
When you arrive after you hyper fast TP(thanks LL), you find yourself outside the main attraction of this huge complex, also knows as the Dome. But before we take a closer look at that let us start from the bottom and work ourselves up. So I rush to the nearest phone booth in a classic Superman style and take the ride down to the Mall.
When you arrive at the Mall you know exactly where they got the inspiration from if you know some of the more famous gallerias in the world. I wont tell so if you want to know go look for your self:)
Walking in the mall I can see a lot of potential but the shops are to few and pretty much unknown except one or two. With the Mall done its time for the next stop.
After another TP I arrive at what they call Motel 69. It's a big room with an amphitheater thing placed in the middle and motel rooms surrounding it. There are some OK sex rooms and some very strange ones. They might not even be sex rooms O_O. But whatever you do, dont get into the washing machine! I did and fell all the way down to the ground. It nearly killed me:(
We need to have a serious talk about that KJ:)
Inside this area there are a small club with poles and stuff. It's actually really nice and I wish they would use it more often. I would definitely come here more if they did even if the colours in here are to much for me! And dont forget the black haired beauty on the wall. That is one hot shemale:))
With that part done its time to move on to the Ballroom.
After another quick TP you are there. Im out of words! Speechless! Let me put it like this. This is anything but a ballroom. So either they change the name or they actually make it as a ballroom. But as we say in Sweden...(censored)
Next stop: Sunset.
Well, to be honest. Don't bother go there except if you like some privacy. And I can give you some LM to better places for that if you want.
After another TP, and I know, they are getting boring by now, I find myself in Holofantasia. Welcome to some sort of SL version of Stonehenge. But if it should be counted as a holofantasia then I'm not sure how to describe one of Xidd's holo/particle rooms.
And finally. After running around this place like a noob on speed its time for the Dome!
After the final TP I land just outside the Dome with its dimmy glass. After some few steps I'm inside. Its a pretty huge room and the name Dome does it justice. The floor is of glass as most parts of the structure is. Dance poles are placed everywhere in a circle shaped form. They have a DJ booth in the middle. The main colour of this place is purple! Have I missed something or is this the latest fashion colour!! In any case. I dont like it, not even a tiny little bit.
They have the usual danceball with dances that so often suck. So does these. There is a sploder of course and an Instant couples danceball. That might be worth a try at least since the dances inside it looks promising enough. The walls have different boards. One for contests and another for coming events and that is good.
When I got here there was no one except me and three dancers, all of them friendly and greeted me and that is always welcome:)
Another thing that is worth to mention is the Race For Life donation boxes found here. So if you have some money over please donate. It's for a very good cause.
And if that isn't enough then at least go see the wonderful CyberTGirl do one of her shows that both include some nice dance moves and some incredible typonese:))
And if you decide to go here you should make it during the North American day or evening time since its then the action at this place happens.
Conclusion of my visit is graded from 1-10, where 10 is fucking awesome and 1 is yikes.
Girl hotness: 5
Lag: 7
Interior: 5
Sex equipment: 5
Noob factor: 5
Overall: 5.5
This issues Swedish proverb. Den som gapar efter mycket mister ofta hela stycket.
On a Personal note: I hope my very good friend KJ takes this review the right way, as a guide to improve the club and not as a way to ban people just because you didnt agree with them that some people do!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Poll Results: Do You Feel The Review Of Twisted Shemales Herm Club Was Fair
Becky's Boutique @ Ruby's Mall, Tropicana Resort. Current Issue Only
"Shemales of SecondLife" Magazine Office @ JPG Building, November. Has every issue of the magazine available plus a place to submit photo sets for consideration in future issues as well as for submitting Articles to considered for publication in the magazine.
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Rules for SL
Many of you may not be aware that big changes are planned for how we live
and work within Second Life. Linden Labs is trying to
force all "Adult content" off of the Mainland to an Adult Mainland
area. Swords .. Guns. Vehicles that
may have weapons .. Skins that show the full Body ... furniture .. Art works and
Art galleries will all be affected.You will no longer have the freedom you now
have in SL. You (and your customers) will
have to give Linden Labs more Info about yourself just to be able access this
content and these areas.For Content creators this is a slow death as new players
will not be able to enjoy, buy, or even view your content. This would also
affect many long standing older players that use free accounts.
This change may happen no matter what we as a
community do, but please, we would like to show Linden Labs that it is not only
2-4% of Second Life areas, Content, and residents that will be
Thank You MystressAnna LovenkraftPaste in chat to join info
About - *I* Am Adult Content
*I* Am Adult Content
Do you feel this:
"Based on our research, we estimate that around 2-4% of content on the mainland would be considered Adult according to our current thinking on defining that."- Cyn Linden
The three parts of The Linden's plan to respond to this belief:
"First, it will provide a way to geographically separate Adult content and activities to a part of the “mainland” designed to accommodate these activities (Estate owners with Adult content on their land will be required to flag their content; they will not be required to move). Second, it will filter search results, so that those who do not wish to see “Adult” results will not. Third, it will require that those who access or see “Adult” content (whether on land or in search) have had their accounts verified – such as by a payment or age verification method."- Cyn Linden
Is this:
Bad for SL? Bad for your SL business?Bad for your freedom of expression? Does your art suffer in this model, whether it is roleplay, photography, design for inworld events and products?Do you find the Linden's claim that only 2-4% of the 'content'in SL is "Adult" positively laughable? Have you been to skin shops that only show clothed bodies to sell skins? Have you noticed that even the words "Club" and "School" have 'adult' locations in the top results by traffic when searched?Do you see it as fair if the changes mean, as it seems they might, that your home or business may be forced to *more expensive* Island land?Will your customer base shrink if you are unable to sell to or serve people who prefer to guard their privacy and not age verify, espescially not via a 3rd party?Do you wonder if the names of some of your groups might get you Abuse Reported?Doubt what tag you might be able to safely wear?Does it seem odd to you that there would be a teen and adult grid and yet a move to make the adult grid 'kid safe'?Do you wonder why the existing Mature Content filters in search aren't adequate already?
Even if you are purely interested in activities that have no sexual or violent component, do you feel such constraints with loose definitions of 'Adult' stifle a natural culture appropriate for a 'second life' escape from reality?
If any of these things are true then please:
-Search for and Join this Group: - *I* Am Adult Content - and get *FREE* stuff! (T-Shirt and Profile/Parcel Image with "2-4% My Ass! - I Am Adult Content" print. Browse group notices when you Join!)- Reduce your time in non "Mature" sims and lower the traffic and fly the tag or where the shirt or both when you are there.- Talk to your friends and send them to: ? to buy get this and related info, buy a shirt or just join the group and get one free.
And. most important of all:
Make a Notecard, Title it (name the notecard in your inventory) "*I* Am Adult Content" and *POLITELY* and in it explain why LL have it all wrong about 2-4% and how this will hurt your experience of SL and where and how much you think it will cost you. Drop that notecard to me, Kyle Steig, Catriana Ninetails and the following Lindens: Cyn Linden, JP Linden, and Blondin Linden... all available at the email addresses (first name) (ie.
It is VERY, VERY important that what you say to them is said POLITELY and Professionally or it undermines your message.
***DO NOT SPAM!****
The New Regime - SL's Censorship
Hello friends, strangers and friends of friends!I'm sending this note around to inform everyone of the news. If youve already heard, then woo! And I hope you'll add your voice to whichever side youre on. If not, then this is merely a note to give you information, it makes no claims over your opinion, if you choose a side or don't it's up to you. But please take the time to read this, as it intimately involves your Second Life, and your time in this game. Please pass this along to everyone, they have a right to stand up for themselves and take charge of their experiences here on SL.
☠ ☠ ☠
Linden Labs has finally done it. There have been rumours, there have been debates, but they have FINALLY bit the big one and done it. After pressuring from what are being called the "Puritan" minority here on SL, with backing from the media, LL has been backed into a corner and has finally decided to shove all of the non PG friendly stuff into one place.
Let me just back up a minute here and clarify. There is a faction (A minority one I might add) of very, very vocal residents on SL who have been lobbying for ages to "clean up" SL. You know them. They are the people who walk into your BDSM clubs and complain about the pictures on the walls and the chains on your girls. They are the "irate mothers/fathers/elderly" who come to dance in your rock clubs and protest at the profanity in your music. They are the ones who screamed at you when you walked into their club in a !PG! sim in a child avatar, calling you out for Age Play you never committed. And now they are at our throats with the Media and politicians who, having a slow news run, have decided to shine the light on SL once more, this time "exposing" its dirty laundry. Namely everything that makes this place fun for the majority of people here.
What does this mean? It means that Linden Labs has decided to pascify the "Puritans". How? By shoving everything we enjoy into a corner and making nearly impossible for 90% of the residents who play on here to actually go enjoy themselves. Let's face it, SL is great at first, but there is precious few things to really keep us entertained after the shiney newness fades. Our hang outs, dance clubs and roleplay groupes, among many other things, are what keep us here. And they want to take it away. All those gun toting RolePlays you like? Gore and Blood is going to go, considered ADULT CONTENT and either shut down or force moved to the new Continent. All of those clubs you like to go to, with the skimpily clad dancers and good music? ADULT CONTENT, and yes, you guessed it, moved to the new continent. All the Gorean stuff? HELLS YEAH! All the BDSM and Bondage and Vampire stuff? HELLS YEAH!
"So what? So we just go there?" Not so fast skippy! You have to have age verification...and it has to be THEIR verification....through a 3rd party site/program that takes your information. So everyone with no credit cards, no SIN, in places where its illegal? No luck, you wont get in.
Furthermore, everything with nudity or anything suggestive or revealing gets flagged as ADULT CONTENT as well. Which means designers who make anything related to BDSM or Gorean factions, All the creators of skins, will either have to CHANGE their content, or it will be force moved to this sim non but a few will be able to get to. Which means lower business. Which means some people wont be able to make a living, and YES there are people on here surviving on their earnings from their stores, as odd as you may find that.
"They've been saying that for years! Theyve never done it, it wont happen"Yes, they have, the difference now is that its not only happening, its HAPPENED. The continent's name is Ursula, it's been made already, you can find it in search, though it's closed and you cant get in. It's currently being BETA tested. Infact, the decision has been made from as early as January, months before they ever opened the topic to discussion on the forums.
"If its already decided, then whats the point, what can we do NOW?" We may not be able to stop it ENTIRELY, but we can make our voices heard, we can stem the tide and help define the rules of what will constitute ADULT content, and maybe even save our favourite stores and clubs! We need to use our voices and SPEAK UP, don't just let LL walk all over you, go to the forums, give your two cents either way and DICTATE how you want YOUR game to go. Whether you pay or not THIS IS YOUR game, you have every right to stand up for your rights here! So do it!
Even if you don't take my word for it, take a look at the below link, the official Linden Labs post, the replies and the related official topics. This affects you and your experience here on SL, and you have a right to your voice. Speak up.(Copy and paste the URL, and grab the note cards for more info)
About - *I* Am Adult Content
New Rules for SL
We can't stop the inevitable takeover, but we can do something to atleast keep it from getting out of hand.
This is REAL people, this is not a rumour, this is already a FACT, a reality. But hey, don't take my word for it, wait and see for yourselves.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Comment From Miss Caitlyn Dyszel about Miss Igaly's Latest Club Review
I am writing this notecard to you to express my concerns about the march issue of Shemales in Secondlife, in particular the review about the TG club Twisted Shemales, as written by Matilda Igaly. While I know several others who share my views on this, I stress I write this on personal title.
I've tried looking at this review from every possible angle but no matter how much I try, I cannot see any journalistic intergrity in this review, nor can I shake the feeling that this whole review has been the current all-time low in an ongoing vendetta that the author , Matilda and her friend/lover/slave ( tick where appropriate since i honestly don't know ) Pussy seem to have ongoing against Twisted. This feud seems to originate in Pussy's employment history with this club.
While Twisted may have some (serious) flaws, I can not relate, or understand, the venom with which this article has been written. Buum is trying very hard to please everyone who is a part of this club and as a result has to make choices at times that do not please every visitor or employee of the club, but as whole are well received by the majority of his club. ( In which he invests a lot of time and money I may add ) I thought that part of being an adult is to learn to ignore those things you do not agree with and cannot change, instead of starting these kind of slander campaigns.
I am very disappointed to see that nobody seems to have thought about giving the club and it's management a chance to defend itself against these allegations in your magazine which leaves me to wonder if this article was simply placed without any editorial reviewing, or was an easy way to notch a popular club down a notch or two in favor of another club.
In short I cannot shake the feeling that your magazine has been used as a means to get a serious dig into Twisted Shemales' reputation for personal reasons. It is my opinion the author was very much aware of what she was doing. Truth be told, the British gutter tabloid press would salute the way this has been handled.
In case you are wondering..I am a nobody in the SL tg scene and feel comfortable with that , I used to dance occassionally for Twisted in the past. I have no ties to this club other then the occasional visit , during one of which I bought a copy of your magazine. I've made some very bad purchases in SL over the years, but I will admit that buying the march copy of your magazine ranks in the top 3.
A mistake I do not plan to make again.
Yours Sincerely,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Matilda Igaly reviews another famous shemale club.

Not being able to decide which club to review, I let the search do it for me again and I wasn’t surprised when the name that came up was Twisted Shemales Herm Club & Mall.
As I have had some issues with the place, I will try to be as unbiased as possible but i wont promise. ^^.
Having been a regular customer of the place and even having been asked to dance there once, (I said no), I know some of its history. Founded by two bois, Buum and Ilas, both very nice by the way, it soon became a very popular dance place for shemales from all over SL. However the owner structure is a bit different today, since Ilas left the building and with him the soul of the club.
When you arrive after the TP, you find yourself just outside the club, but before we get inside lets take a look at the Mall. What you realize is that this might be one of the better looking ones that belong to a shemale club, or any club actually. Walking around in there I realized that many of the shops are unheard of, at least for me, probably you too.
After having looked around the Mall I decide to enter the club itself. Walking inside it, I find dance poles everywere, on the left of the entrance, to the right and straight ahead, everywere except in the middle where a dance floor is placed which matches the overall purple colour theme of the place. The walls of the club are in some purple tone too. Purple wherever you look, almost. There is a second floor but its empty so i wont bother to write about it.
Walking inside the club I realize something, its a lag fest!! Yup, you heard me...lag and there are only eight peeps in here. So where the hell is it coming from you wonder. Well, to answer that question with one word... Campers!! Why in the love of Sweden would you get campers at a club and mall complex? They are here and they are a pain in the xxx. And its not the good pain we TG love so much^^. Eight peeps in the club, Eleven campers. No wonder they have high traffic numbers!!!.
The club walls are also covered with advertising boards for girls doing various things IF they are paid. Some of them are actually hot but most of them are more, "My god! What the hell is that?" feeling you get when you wake up in he morning and find someone next
to you in bed and it wasn’t what he/she looked like the night before:))
I am sad to say that this club has changed, a lot and all for the worse. This used to be a warm and friendly club, with awesome peeps working in it but today they are long gone, except one and she got my fullest respect.
The problem is peeps, that the managers, most of them anyway, think they are divine but we all know that there is just one divine shemale in SL and that is ME:))
So if you decide to go there anyway, make sure you find Katie or Denise, both are very nice and worth having a look at.
Conclusion of my visit is graded from 1-10, where 10 is fucking awesome and 1 is yikes;
Girl hotness: 3.
Lag: 4. Interior: 5
Sex equipment: 0.
Noob factor: 2.5
Overall: 4
This issues Swedish proverb; Om en blind leder en blind, så faller de båda i gropen.
... and as i turn my back on this club for the last bottom goes up 4 you, as i wiggle my way out 0_0.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
March Issue is now available

Friday, February 6, 2009
A Comment
Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:16:51 2009) Okay, you ready?
Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:18:15 2009) I just looked and you aren't on my friends list so I'll go ahead and say everything here
Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:19:08 2009) I loved it. From the consumer standpoint I drooled. You are gorgeous, delicious, and made me hot. I actually was touching myself, which surprises me more than you I suspect. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm those centerfolds. LOL
Morgan10 Reyes: (Saved Fri Feb 6 19:21:04 2009) The only comments I have concerning the whole layout are that I would have liked to see more costume changes and perhaps different locations. A lot more work, I know, but I’m thinking about color and texture in relation to your skin and showing more sides to your personality. I do have one complaint. That damn book is too small!!! Grins.
Thank You soo much Morgan10 Reyes for your kind comments. we do all we can to make a magazine with repeat purchase. As for the size I am afraid that it is as large as SL and the maker of the press that is used will let us publish. Thank you again for your purchase and please anyone out there with comments on the magazine are free to drop a notecard containing those comments to either myself or Pussy Fanshaw
TGBecky Jewell
Shemales Of Secondlife Publisher
Monday, February 2, 2009
Wanted - Freelance Photographers
Would you like to have your photos Published in Shemales of SecondLife Magazine?
Here's what you do.
1) Find a Model - the model must identify as a Shemale, Transgender, Transvestite, or Hermaphrodite.
2)Take the Pictures - a minimum of 20 pictures must be submitted to even be considered for publication. Of course the more you submit the better your chance of having your model featured
3)Put all the pictures in a box along with a Notecard with a short biography of the model, the Models Name, the Photographers Name ( both must be EXACT in order to get paid). ALL ITEMS in the box must have FULL next owner Permissions. or the submission will be tossed out. put your name and " Model Photo submission" in the name of the object and then either
4)Drop it to TGBecky Jewell or drop by the magazine office.
All Submissions become property of Shemales of Secondlife magazine when submitted. Photographer and model will be paid a percentage of sales to be determined by Magazine Staff.
Wanted - Writers And Columnist
If you wish to have your work considered for publication please send an email to with your article attached as a text file and it will be considered. If chosen you will be paid a percentage of all sales for the issue your article appears in as well has having your article posted to our Blog at
Instructions and request for required information to receive in world pay if accepted will be mailed to you upon acceptance of your submission.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Shemales In Secondlife - The First In an Occasional Series

Shemales in SecondLife!
What is that really, and is it worth visiting?
Welcome to a review of one of those places...
Not being able to decide where to go for my first review I let faith decide or more truthfully, most hits on search. Being in SL for a while the name that came up, Shemale Sanctuary didn't surprise me at all.
Reading the search description, "The club of a thousand beautiful women and 3 ugly ones!" caught my attention. So lets put it to a test.
After I had TP to the place I land a short distance away from the entrance which is pretty normal I guess. Taking a peek around I find out that I'm in a square with shops all around it with a Xmas tree in the middle. Nice for those that actually like Christmas.
The shops that are located here are the standard ones that your supposed to find in any decent club environment. But what is odd and in my own humble opinion, great, is that there is missing one sex attachment shop!
Being done with the surroundings I decide to enter the club and something odd appears. Lots of peeps standing outside for some reason! Very strange indeed. After bumping into a friend outside, a cute boi for you that wonder, and after some chat I enter the club.
Its a nice looking place, with a big enough dance floor and a bar that can have lots of dancers performing. There are a couch that looks inviting and some tables for dancing. Not to shabby, and at the far end there is a lap dance chair. On the walls there are drawings of various shemales, nude of course. But its the same ones you can see at most places. At the far side of the club they have a winter garden. With some nice water works, benches and pose balls.
Moving up to second floor it becomes a bit more interesting. This is where the actual sex area is located. There are secretary and bar sex area, dungeon, dirty outside, jail cells, dirty madrass, farm, school, bathroom, kitchen and a undefined pinkish sex area. Great stuff for whatever fetish you might have. The walls up there are also covered with drawings of shemales.
Under the hour I was there I didn't hear one single peep talk in local and that is sad, but I guess most of them are in IM. But I got two IM's that commented on how damn hot I look^^.
So was it worth a visit? That's up to you to decide. But I know why I don't go there so often. Did it live up to the, "The club of a thousand beautiful women and 3 ugly ones!"
No it didn't. Not by a mile I'm afraid.
Conclusion of my visit is graded from 1-10, where 10 is fucking awesome and 1 is yikes.
Girl hotness: 5
Lag: 6
Interior: 6
Sex equipment: 8
Overall: 6
This issues Swedish proverb. Kasta inte sten i glashus:)
The Rack - Magazine Mega Store - Plush Mega Sim

Founded By Zooey Kohime, "The Rack" is a unique concept in Secondlife, unique in the sense that I have not seen another shop with the same idea. Although with the proliferation of affiliate vendors and designers and creators willing to use them to sell their product thru them, it would appear that their use is actually a win/win situation for all involved. The affiliate doesn't have to be a fashion diva or geek coder to make a few L$ in the game they just have to find something that they like and resell it thru an affiliate vendor or program. And the creator still gets paid and the affiliate makes a percentage. Everybody is happy
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
We Have Moved

The balcony overlooking the lobby outside the
Outside looking in thru the glass into the Atrium
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Welcome to our Blog
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
WOW ... we are getting famous :-)
First of all as to our time in business. WE have actually only been publishing Since June of 2007 In Secondlife. I believe the author of the Sex Aficionado miss understood the information there and I just got stupid and did that part backwards( that is entirely possible seeing as how I have done that many times before. January 2009 was actually our 8th edition in our second year of publishing.
As I stated above I want to above all else thank them for the kind words and for the exposure their article will hopefully give us.
Shemales of SecondLife Magazine .
Story In sexaficinado